Thursday, June 26, 2008

How can so much awesomeness exist?

Joss Wheedon, Neil Patrick Harris, Super Heroes, Super Villains, and a theremin.

This only way this could get any more awesome would be if it tied in with How I Met Your Mother.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Doomed to repeat its mistakes

Never one to pass off the excuse to post without writing anything substantial, I give you the history meme:

history|awk '{a[$2]++} END{for(i in a){printf "%5d\t%s\n ",a[i],i}}'|sort -rn|head

105 p4
51 cd
39 ls
30 perl
30 lastfmfpclient.exe
29 for
28 grep
10 export
9 wget
9 python

Skins in its present form had its final episode last night. True to form it was a rather stylised presentation of an A-level results day with some smashing music and a hard hitting performance from Larissa Wilson. Next year's series will feature a while new cast of rowdy teenagers with Sid and Cassie popping in occasionally. I'm not sure how it'll work as, for me, it was the characters that made the show, but I'm prepared to give it a chance.

Now playing: Malvina Reynolds - Little Boxes

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Thursday, April 01, 2004

Won't you come home Bill Bailey?

Probably on the back of a new series of Black Books, Bill Bailey has given this interview about his new tour, Part Troll

I've seen him live in Dublin on his Bewildered tour and was almost in pain from laughter. I'll certainly be booking my ticket for his show at the Corn Exchange on the 11th of June.

In a very related way, Dylan Moran is playing the Corn Exchange on the 23rd of April. Another night for me.

[via Mad Musings of me]

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