Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Write on

Rob Caron points to a great post from Dumb Little Man, a Lifehacker type blog.

If only it could be enforced before anyone is allowed to write anything.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Elbow Patches, Redux

This is the time of the year when the excitement of a new set of books and a new course with the OU fades with the onset of the first Tutor Marked Assignment. For the past couple of years, I've been leaving these to the last minute, which has ended up with me writing all night before it needs to be in and trying to buy time travel delivery from the local Post Office. This year, however, I'm trying to be grown up so I've decided to get cracking a week and a half early. I've used Mind Maps before when taking notes so tried this open source application. I've managed to create my entire outline in the time it's taken the boss to have a bath. Maybe I won't be sneaking envelopes through my tutor's door this year.

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